The Gallery Catherine Putman is pleased to present the exhibition of original prints
of Claude Viallat.

The collaboration between Catherine Putman and Claude Viallat started at the
beginning of the 90’s and the Gallery edited numerous prints of the artist.
Faithfull to his form ‘haricot” present in his work since 1966, Claude Viallat has developed an original practice of a multiple on paper.

The new editions by the Gallery Catherine Putman, specially realised for the exhibition, are representative of this collaboration and faithful to the original approach of Claude Viallat’s practice. Be it through the choice of support or through monotype printing of forms, this specific relationship of the artist of the Support/Surface movement with multiple works can be found in his recent series.

For one of them, the truncated form, which an expert eye will recognize, is applied in silk-screen printing on paper pastry mats; the light and serrated support receives a trace and splashes of “a sponge”. Two other series of prints, some realised in silk-screen printing, others in engraving, are the original multiples. The form changes its colour or its support. The choice of paper varies: recovery of various papers, plain, grain, Japanese… The prints are monotypes: within a print run the place or the colour of the forms changes, each work becoming unique, without signature or numbering as practiced by Claude Viallat in his paintings.

On the occasion of this exhibition, the Gallery will also present a selection of
older editions, as well as recent unique works on paper in small format.

Claude Viallat


September 12 - October 31, 2015
